H2O Kids

Welcome to H2O Kids

H2O Kids is a community where our children learn about and experience Jesus through a variety of age-based ministries presenting God's love in a safe, fun, and exciting environment. We are so thankful for each of our families who attend services at H2O Church. At H2O Kids, we know that a positive experience for your children is important. It is our goal for your children to have a great time learning about God and connecting with others.

Available Sunday Classes 

H2O Kids (Babies-6th Grade) is available during both Downtown services. If it is your first time, please come 15 minutes early and head downstairs where one of our awesome volunteers will get you connected to the right place! 

The classes below are available at both the 9:00am and 10:30am services.

Droplets: Birth - 18 months

Puddles: 18 months - 3 years

Splash: Preschool - Kindergarten

Waves: 1st Grade - 3rd Grade

Rapids: 4th Grade - 6th Grade

H2O Youth

Reaching The Next Generation

Middle & High School

Most Sundays @ 5:30PM at the Downtown Venue

Our goal is to reach the next generation with the gospel and our youth ministry reflects that. Our youth ministry, comprised of 6-12 grade students, meets regularly for fellowship, time in the Word, and fun. Sign up below to receive regular updates on what the youth group is doing!

Contact Tom Gerberich or Blake Ross if you have any questions!