
Why are groups so important?

It's how God created us to know him and walk with Him. We believe that Groups are the heart-beat of the church; a time when we open our Bibles in search of the truths that connect to our lives today. They are the best place to connect with others who are seeking answers to questions of faith and build friendships formed in deeper spiritual community.

Specialty Groups

H2O City Side Community Group (Ladies)

Time: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 9:30am - 11:15am

*Starts Oct. 2nd and runs through the spring

Address: Bruhl's Home 414 Pine Valley Dr. BG

Contact: Laurel Bruhl (

MOMco (By MOPS International) (Moms of any age)

Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 9:30am-11:15am (and other events/nights out)

*Starts Sept 12th and runs through April

Address: 1161 Napoleon St. BG


*Childcare available

*Look for more info and flyers at the church for announcements and childcare areas.